This site is for anyone who is the least bit curious about monitoring and controlling such things as motors, lights and switches, or recording and playing everything from sound to the arm position on a robot.
It's for anyone who likes to learn by doing. You will not only read about controlling motors, lights and sound, you will control real motors, real lights, and really record and play information.
It's for anyone who finds intriguing the prospect of controlling a robot or a toy or an appliance by means of a computer embedded in it or, for that matter, a whole factory or space station.
It's for anyone who has done little with computers beyond clicking a mouse button, as well as the professional looking for source code.
It's for anyone who wants to reach as far as the imagination will take them.
This site is for teachers who would like to give their students some interesting, hands-on experience.
It's for people who are considering a career change but don't want to suffer the high cost and time of a formal education before knowing for sure that this is the career they would actually look forward to every morning.
It's for programmers who would like to know how to read
schematics and construct hardware and
hardware people who would like to know how to write programs to control
their hardware.
Please don't think electronics and programming have to be hard. Far from it. Read what others say about this site to get an idea of what the experience is like. Besides, it costs nothing but a little time to go through everything here (well, maybe more than just a little time unless you can read 240 pages really fast). It's not heavy reading, either. It's designed to be accessable by anyone with a knowledge of basic mathematics. You're ready if you can add subtract, multiply and divide. The earlier sections include self-tests that permit checking progress or skipping sections already understood.
Please note that the board is no longer offered. It has not been offered for some time now. It's ISA and that and the computers that have ISA are out of date. I now offer an alternative through Jameco Electronics. One is called the Listening Tree and uses an Arduino UNO, a small, embedded microcontroller board for experimenters that can and is actually being used in real systems.
I have a new route a person can take to learn the material offered using the Arduino UNO. It's called The Arduino Route. See it here
The tutorial examples will work on most operating systems that allow
direct access to ports (more on ports later). Linux, DOS, Windows 3.x,
Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me will work, among others.
To use Linux, follow the guidelines at the
Linux I/O port programming mini-HOWTO. Direct port access
is not permitted by NT, 2000, XP and some
other operating systems. It's still possible to get at the ports
however, by using special procedures that add a layer you can go
through. Experienced programmers and brave beginners can look in Programmer's Heaven for information on gaining such access.
The optional hardware needed to provide an interactive, hands-on experience is available as an inexpensive
The board has more than enough capability for experimentation. Its inputs and outputs are very much like those typically found on a microcontroller, which is similar to a microprocessor, the main computational device in a desktop computer, but with extra inputs and outputs to allow it to listen to and talk to the outside world. A bare board is only $20, and there are discounts for quantity. Kits are available for $50 (plus shipping, etc.), and assembled boards can also be ordered. You can even download this whole site so you can view it off-line for your own personal use by ordering a zip archive file containing all of the site files for only $8.55. With it, you get free update files as the site is updated.
You can take the trip without the hardware, but the impact will be
considerably less. It's much easier to understand the effect of the
programming if it can be directly experienced. The multi-sensory impact
of, for example, writing a program to control a motor or to record and
play back the sound of one's own voice, then seeing it actually happen is
Download the step-by-step instructions for assembling a board here to see how easy building one really is.
The instructions even include a section on how to solder. The document
is a 2 Meg Word97 file. Those who don't have Word97 can download a free
reader from Microsoft by clicking here:
As a bonus, the board will work with Super Start. Super Start is free software that uses the hardware to help very young children get the basic core knowledge they need for a good beginning in education. That means the board can serve a dual purpose for people with infants and small children. You can also download the Super Start source code if you wish.
Need a computer? Schools and non-profits can get free computers at one of the computer recycling sites. Else, try Ebay. Just be sure the computer you find has an ISA slot available. It might be necessary to email the seller to make sure. Even computers with slots taken up with things such as modems and sound cards can be used. They are not needed and can be removed to make room for the board used in this tutorial.
Ebay search for Pentiums with ISA |
Some of the computers offered in Ebay have had their hard drives erased. No problem. I have seen DOS there for around $5 -- Ebay search for MS-DOS. Don't worry if you don't know how to use DOS. You will learn enough to get by. Of course there's no need to get DOS if the machine already has an operating system on it that will work.
Sections are always being added and/or updated. Please let me know if you would like to get update notices. Please Note: I NEVER release any email addresses!!
Click here to be removed from update notification.
You can also join the LEARN-C discussion group. It permits users of the tutorial and/or board to discuss experiences. There are two ways to join. Click here to subscribe by email, or here to go to the group site to subscribe.
Please let others know about this site. It's easy to do. Just click here to send an e-mail about this website to people on your list who might find the tutorial useful (which, of course, is everyone on your list). The subject and body of the email will already be entered, but you can modify them as you wish.
Data lines, bits, nibbles, bytes, words, binary and HEX
Passing information around in a computer and
the hardware.
Jump To Self-Test For Data lines, bits, nibbles, bytes, words, binary and HEX |
Boolean Logic
as it relates to programming as well as
the hardware.
How to figure out if it's on or off and how to turn it on and off.
Address Lines and Ports
How To Read A Schematic
The Hardware
Putting It All Together - Controlling The
Hardware With The Software
Experiment 1 - Basic Switch Input Detection
Experiment 2 - Expanding Switch Input Capacity
Experiment 3 - The General Purpose Digital Input/Output Module - Part 1
Experiment 4 - The Multiple Closure Problem And
Basic Outputs With The PPI
Experiment 5 - Controlling Motors
Questions, Answers And I
It's also a good place to make suggestions
about what the tutorial should toot -- too much too fast, not fast
enough, not the right stuff, just right, etc.?
Drag this dot to your desktop to bookmark this site:
Jump To The Self-Test For Boolean Logic
Using the hardware
to make contact with the outside world.
Jump To The Self-Test For Address Lines and Ports
Just a few symbols and you've got it
Jump To The Self-Test For How To Read A Schematic
Details about portions of the hardware not
discussed in the experiments.
The C language fundamentals
Using a device on the
board for digital input to get the status of switches.
Using the 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface on the board to get an additional 8 inputs.
Using two ports of the 8255 PPI on the board to form a switch matrix.
More on the matrix, driving higher-current devices using the PPI on the board with current driver
Powering higher-current devices using the PPI on the board.
Experiment 6 More Precise Control Of Motors
Using the digital I/O on the board
with the computer's timer to control devices
Experiment 7 - Bi-directional Control Of Motors And The H-Bridge
Using the digital I/O on the board
with the computer's timer to provide bi-directional motor control
Experiment 8 - Digital To Analog Conversion
Using the Digital to Analog Converters on the the board to produce sounds, etc.
Experiment 9 - Analog To Digital Conversion
Using the 8-channel Analog To Digital Converter
on the the board to record sound and other analog
Experiment 10 - Using Analog Inputs To
Control Motors
Modifying the timer system to
control PWM in proportion to inputs
from the 8-channel Analog To
Digital Converter on the the board
Experiment 11 - Using Analog Inputs For
Bi-directional Control Of Motors
the timer system to control PWM in proportion to inputs
from the
8-channel Analog To Digital Converter on the the
A relay is used this time to control the direction of
the motor.
Questions that have been sent in and my often lame
Have a question about something on the site? -- Email Q, A & I D.
Don't worry if English is not your
first language. I'll work with you and we will figure it out together.
me know what you want and I'll try to provide it.
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